Adobe air update windows 7
Adobe air update windows 7

adobe air update windows 7 adobe air update windows 7

The Logitech Video driver (LVPrcSrv.exe) is known to cause issues with the installation of Adobe AIR.To troubleshoot these issues, try performing the following steps in this order: Your Administrator doesn't allow installation or uninstallation. Once MSI logging is enabled, rerun the Adobe AIR Installer to generate the MSI Log. Include the MSI log along with the Adobe AIR Install.log when you report the install issue.


You can determine if the installer failed by searching the Install.log text for "Error occurred during msi install operation." If you find this text, enable and locate the MSI log using the Microsoft document How to enable Windows Installer logging.

  • In some situations, the Adobe AIR installer fails during the MSI portion of the install.
  • Alternatively, open the log file with Notepad or your favorite text editor and select all and copy and paste.
  • Attach the Install.log to your forum post.
  • XP: C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\logs.
  • Vista: C:\Users\ user name\AppData\Local\Adobe\AIR\logs.
  • Windows 7: C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\Adobe\AIR\logs.
  • Navigate to the following folder (replace user name with your login name):.
  • You can find instructions on Microsoft's site:
  • Ensure that viewing hidden folders is enabled.
  • C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\Adobe\ AIR\logs.
  • adobe air update windows 7

    C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\logs.

    Adobe air update windows 7